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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  October 10, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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towels around. and top of the first, coreless jackson, scoreless with a man, craig jumps on one. in the left it goes. craig with the double, matt holiday around to score and the mats with -- nats with a 1-0 hole. jackson again, two on, no outs, kazma on the inside pitch. a 3-one blast to left and jackson, done after 5. eight runs, and a 4-0 hole, michael morris. with that opportunity, bases loaded and ends the net. final out here,ity error-0, trailing the series, 2-1. you look back the last few games, they allowed 20 runs and 37 hits. we're looking forward to thursday, a 5-7 start. >> are you seeing any differences in the way the team played the last go times the
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way they played the rest of the season? >> they haven't gotten the big hits. until the sixth inning, we had no multihit innings and i don't know if they're pressing, if that is the issue or if they have to find their groove again. i would expect them to come alive at some point. >> and we're joined by paul wagner talking to fans who are streaming out awful early today and we'll talk about that part of the story in a minute. >> yeah. >> and a lot of disappointment. >> everything was in to place. perfect water, fighter jets overhead and he was getting ready for a new win. then, the cardinals came to bat. >> that's the way it is, you know. it's baseball. they had a good season, up. i respect that and i still think strauss bug should have pitched a game for us, though. >> it was a natidue. but the it.
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teams didn't. >> i heard a couple of boos but to number this position is fantastic. this team deserves everything. i hope it turns earn. >> and hopefully tomorrow they will come back. >> and, you know, the first game here, home game and post season. i wish it was a different outcome. >> what happened to the natit, de? >> i'm still here. >> i'm disappointed. >> and this is my first game. >> the natitud ivanished. >> it's done. >> and maybe something comes through. >> and everyone coming in the ball park got a towel and everyone was trying them out and seeing how they worked. i talked to a number and talked about how they would look as they twirled them around and
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there was fun in the park. >> 79 years since play-off baseball has been in this town. we saw people leaving the stadium. >> yeah. >> in the sixth inning and there were grumbling of fans. >> there was. >> and people, there were accusations that councilman jack evans left in the seventh inning on twitter. >> what? >> and that can be a decade before the team gets back to the play-offs. >> and we did hear some folks grumbling about it as they walked out. yeah. >> and we left the station today. bob's checking out the metro scene and a little bit on the fans coming in. bob. >> reporter: brian, it took me a half hour getting here. ahead of the rush hour and for the sake of the ride home, it's a good thing for the commuters, at least, this game was a
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blowout because people are leaving the last hour or so and this is a lot of people heading home now and that game is over. people left over the past hour or so, and this made it good until 20 minutes or so and if metro has three suggestions and that is that there is a second entrance and this is that half street entrance to the navy yard station here and there is another one on news jersey avenue, near the department of transport egghequarters. folks are coming out tomorrow and on to friday as l. metro suggests you use both enstrapses entrances. if can you, we have advised them, you can walk and that is less than a mile, .8 of a mile north of here to the capital south metro station and there,
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you can then head home and make a transfer somewhere else. they're also saying if can you avoid transferring at galloway place and lafont plaza, you're better off doing that and can you do that by walking up to capital south. the other thing, make sure you have the right amount of money, it's $2.70 if you want to get on the train and people have to get online to get money on their fare card that backs things up. it's not moving and they not letting more people on to the platform and down the escalators and metro said they were going to have extra eight- car trains on the green line to move them out of here. most people have a good attitude and said it's this way after every home game. last wednesday, the last game
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of the season, it was bad as well and not many fans as well and we spoke to folks and you will hear from them later on and right now, they're not going anywhere fast and not many complaints either, brian. >> and you have to be stuck in a line. and that is worse when you think of baseball in october and you think sillier -- chillier than this, 73 degrees and partly cloudy skies and doesn't get better than this. >> reporter: and probably ending six or seven and the wins are picking up out of the west-northwest and that is farther to the west and haven't had the -- farther to the west and tomorrow, the game is going to start later and we're talking about a 4:00 start and it's going to be cooler. you need to know that. by 4, 5, that shade starts across the ball park. don't worry about the rain.
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it's going to be perfectly sunny and, again, the temperatures tomorrow will be cooler and queer anticipating the first pitch temperature to be about -- anticipating the first pitch temperature to be about 70 degrees and basically, the temperatures will start falling down into the 50s and, certainly by the end of the game tomorrow, it will be downright chilly out there. again, mostly sunshine and clear skies out there and that looks like it's going to be beautiful. again, cooler than today, brian. >> and that is what we expect in october. okay, a lot more to come here. we have lindsay murphy gathering reaction from the team and get a sense of what the guys think about this loss and tomorrow. in the meantime, back out to you. >> and all hope is not lost here. st. louis won the first home game, too. >> sure.
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>> and what are the crowds like there? brian? >> what are the crowds like there? full, full house today, right? the crowds? >> yeah. >> and that is a sellout stadium, the crowds are great. the problem, they're streaming out early and into the sixth inning. as they filtered out and tried to beat the traffic, perhaps not appreciating the moment in history that this team is involved in now and now, everyone is seemed out and heading only and -- home. >> that is good. i think we're going to have to put in a call to jack avenuepass office -- jack evans, too. >> and perhaps alleviating things at metro. >> perhaps. >> who knows and as we continue the broadcast at few here from the fox 5 studios, we're going to catch you up on the other big stories, including a warning about air ducts. why --ary bags. why the one in your car could be count fit. >> metro unveils's hard mock-up
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of the new really car, and managers say design changes will allow passengers to more more -- board more quickly. >> and should race play a role in college admegs. inside the supreme court as justices clash over the issue of affirmative action. we'll be right back. 
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pamela howze: it just seems like such an... infringement on our lives. how dare they step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising.
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when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. . it's a casthat could have major implications for every
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college in america. it's about whether a race can be a factor in determining what students the university admits. >> reporter: the president of the university of texas said we would all like to reach a day and when race and factor are not part of the college admission. we're not at that point. but critics call the current is system at his university discrimination. the university of texas at austin was her dream school, but she did not get in. abigail fisher came to the u.s. supreme court and said she didn't get into the university in 2008 because she's white. >> i hope the court rules that a student's race and ethnicity shouldn't be considered when applying to the university of texas. >> she had the courage and perseverance to stand up for equality, what was rate and to guarantee the fundamental of all of us that we're entitled
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to the equal protection of the law. >> reporter: the university automatically admits most of the students based upon their rank and high school class and one quarter of texas freshmen are admitted based upon a formula made up of many factors, one which of is race. bill powers said if the supreme court prevents that -- . >> we would not be given the kind of education to all of our students. we would prepare them to work and it would be a setback for our students and society. >> reporter: howard said diversity benefits all students but chief justice john roberts wanted to hon on you the -- know how the university would determine when it had, quote, a krill critical mass of diversity on campus. us judgeis kennedy could be a key swing vote appearing skeptical telling the texas delegation what you're saying is what counts is race above
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all. >> justice sodermayer said fisher's lawyer wants to, quote, gut the law. a decision in the fisher- university of texas case is not expected until spring. back to you. >> and thank you. a panel of judges upheld south carolina's voter identification law requiring those who want to vote in the state to show one of five types of photo i.d. the state can't enforce the law until 2013 and federal judges ruled there is not enough time to put the law intoak. and ohio getting a lot of attention this week and right notice, the buckeye state is too close to call. president obama was there yesterday stumping at ohio state university and both sides called in their heavy hitters. >> you have lied inside 1600 pennsylvania for four years. if you can't change washington from inside the white house,
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then let's get you the plane ticket back to chicago that you have earned. >> they worked so hard to keep unemployment above 8%. it almost makes you want to cry for the disappointment that they face. they got so close. >> president clinton referring to the recent drop in unemployment to penn sent 8%. -- to 7.8%. fox 5 wants to hear from you as we approach election day. use the hash tag-fox 5 you decide to the two your stuff about the issues, the performances and the election as we count down to never. virginia governor has directly asked president obama to stop the sequestration budget from going into effect. he support the letter to the government yesterday asking specifically to rehaven't the cuts to military and defense spending.
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those cuts are built into the across-the-board spending reductions that will be triggered if congress doesn't pass a budget by the end of the year. the governor said virginia would lose more than $32 billion in product and labor income if the cuts go through. leon panetta said the u.s. sent troops to the border of syria and libya for possible cross-cultural violence. the u.s. has been working with jordan to monitor chemical and biological weapon's sites in syria and to have them deal with refugees pouring over the border from syria. the u.s. will, the u.s. presence will establish a headquarters and beef up jordan's military capabilities should violence erupt on the border. fireworks at a hearing on capitol hill today. trying to defend the obama administration's handling of the terrorist attack on the american consulate in libya. the attack killed a u.s. embass
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door and three other americans. tom fitzgerald is following this. this is a political battle. >> reporter: it really has and showed no sign of letting up. the republicans have been accusing the obama administration of not doing enough to protect the consulate, while democrats say the focus should be on fining who was responsible for that attack in ben ghazi on september 11th, not the deciding blame. obama administration officials headed to capitol hill to tell the house oversight committee that the security every ben ghaz icons late was based of the -- on the assessments of the resources on the ground and what is available. the critics were quick to point out that the administration, in their words, has been trying to cover up or play down the attacksby first describe it, and that it got out of hand. there were questions between the disagreements between the state department and u.s. officials in washington over
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large the security force should be. >> would you classify what took place here, the disagreement, based on what they testified to? >> no, sir, i would -- . >> disagreement level? >> i would describe it as a dialogue between the post and diplomatic security. >> this is a level where you need to weigh in or someone higher? >> no, sir, it did not. >> the national security in there? >> no, sir, it did not. >> what is enfire iting is we have hundred -- infuriating, we have hundreds of consulate-type activities, the consulate is bombed twice and you arguing whether about whether the number was 5 or 2 or 5 or 3. >> well, the house panel scheduled a hearing, even though congress right now is on recess until after next month's election. the chairman of the house oversight committee is congresswoman darrell issa. he invited hillary clinton to testify today; however, she
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sent two of her deputies instead. >> thank you, tom. going to weather now and a live look outside. you know, as we heard from brian out of the ballpark. unfortunately, didn't go the way it is for now. >> north nature is a fan of baseball. i'm shine -- it's shining down on the fans and gary, what are we expecting tomorrow tomorrow -- for tomorrow? we get another try. >> and that is some sunshine and cooler temperatures. the game starts later and with that sun setting, getting chilly out there and into the 50 asquickly dropping. it's been real, real nice today. fair weather clouds, too. the temperature has managed up to 70 degrees and this is the warmest point so far today and gaithersburg, 66; so is dulles and frederick, 68 and look to
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cumberland in western maryland. there is a frontal system tracking in our direction, and with the front, there is a little bit of cloud cover and can you so dots of green here. i don't anticipate any this eve we'll have a few clouds as the frontal system begins to come o cass -- across. the reason is cooler tomorrow and this is going to come on through and allow cooler and drier air to come on in. so, at 7:00, the temperatures are dropping into the lower to mid-60s, a cool breeze out there and that is a chilly breeze. you notice how it drops into the 50s. and that is looks like we're anticipating game five. >> and maybe the late start of the game tomorrow and some
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cooler temperatures. >> whatever it takes. they need to get it going. >> you have that right. we'll see you son. felix baumgartner decided against the second attempt at making a supersonic sky dive over new mexico tomorrow and he aborted the mission yesterday due to high winds. his team hoped tomorrow's weather might allow them for another try. he is hoping to become the first sky diver to break the sound barrier by jumping from a capsule like this, flooded 23 miles into the stratosphere by a 55-story helium balloon. wow. and the news stunned the washington region, so everyone wants to know what killed a giant panda cup at -- cub at the national zoo. why we should have an answer soon. >> and the death toll rises from the meningitis outbreak. how congress is getting involved. [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third
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and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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[ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? . a news alert out of fairfax
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county. vre passengers stranded after someone was hit by a train. the accident happened around 2 fine this afternoon between burk center and monasses park. the virginia railway express system cancelled several tray trains. vre said the person who was hit was terrorist passing on the track comes there is no word on their condition. prince georges county authorities arrested a man accused of abducting his son this morning in hyattsville. the man, who they are not naming yet, got into the mother's car at this exxon station and door off with the four-year-old. the man is charged with armed carjacking and assault and police have not said who was assaulted, he is not being charged can kidnapping at this point. closure for a fairfax county family. police say a body discovered earlier this week is that of brian glen. searchers made the discovery
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monday afternoon as they look for glen in this park. the cause and manner of death has not been determined. the national zoo said it will announce the final word what killed the giant panda cup tomorrow. it was born september 16th and died days later. the motor alerted panda keepers to a problem by making a distressed sound or honking, but they could not save the cub. the tests show that the cub had liver abnormalities and fluid in the abdomen. such high hopes for the cub. >> very sad. coming up, the until is morning the loss of a lion's great-turned actor. >> and lance armstrong challenged the u.s. antidoping agency to name names and guess what, they delivered. find out whose testimony was key in the case against the tour de france winner. >> and fans leave the ball park disappointed. brian is there live. we'll check in with him now. brian. >> and an unfortunate day here at nationals park. we're hearing a lot of there is always tomorrow. we're going to take you inside
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the clubhouse after the break. we'll be right back. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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[ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities.
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if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? . 79 years since washington d.c. has seen playoff bop baseball. today be-- playoff baseball. unfortunately, that chanter is not starting off the way the fans would have liked. joining back now with scott smith and talking about today's disappointing loss. not the end of the world and not where the team would like to be at this point. >> reporter: a lot was made in the opening round. we had to wait for game three for the nats homefield advantage to be a factor and the record crowd was taken out of this early on. you have to think that there is some cash now. edwin jackson with the start
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against his former club. he won the world series with a year ago and into the top of the sec. swinging to the fencees and in this one issue a three-run home run. jackson dunn after 5, 8 innings, four runs and bottom 6th, two on, two off, the foul ground eight over, and they're shut out, 8-0 the final and they trail the series 2-1. lindsay murphy joins us with more and this comes down to opportunities missed in this one. >> reporter: and that sums it up, scotts and that is what they're going to tell you. we went inside the club on house. the first 10 minutes, it was no media and no players in there. and that is how they are
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feeling. they're frustrated, outscored 20-4 in the last two games and 8-0. leaving 10 men on base and another theme among the players, hey, we were the west team in baseball a -- best team in baseball and we're not out of this. we win one game, we stay alive in the series, we win two and we're on to the championship series. they're far from being done, but this offense needs to get moving. >> and we're missing pitches. me and a couple of other guys, you know. not here and that is baseball. >> we have gone's -- done a great job all year and have played greata baseball. >> and we're not out of this bow a longshot. and keep seeing it tomorrow and some key hits to be back in it.
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and she's -- worthwhile than this and i like my balk seven and we'll come out and play a good game tomorrow. >> the cards have scored early and often in the series and nationals not doing so l. bryce harper, 1 for 11 and ian desmond is the only strong point in the offense, 7 for 12 and stranded on base most of the times. tomorrow, kyle loche is on the bump for the cardinals and that might mean a good thing for the nationals. he has a 6-9-3e.r.a. against the season. the pitchers can't give up early runs and the hitters need to bring the base runners in. >> certainly, thanks, lindsay. you have to credit the cardinals. this team is built for the post season, obviously, last year, and this bunch is a resilient group and i would expect them to sit down in here. >> for sure. >> and justified -- joined
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again by paul wagner. you and i both n2004, remember when the city council -- to find the stadium. the washington post poll had 2/3 agreeing with the city council. >> yeah. >> and we're here in the play- offs and we see fans rolling out of here in the sixth inning. you wonder what is the big message? >> and there is natitude. >> i don't know what happened i had a blast at 10:30 this morning and we talked to fans in the park and the guy -- i got some folks to show me how they did it and. >> this is a natitude and this is what we found out. >> and what is your natitu
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deck, e? >> there -- natitude. there it is. whew! >> and they weregist getting started -- just getting started. >> what are you going to do with the towel? >> i'm going to wear it. ware the towels? >> yeah. >> where? >> on my head. >> you're not going to shake, shake, shake? >> and that is the towel. that's it. >> and then you have the old- timers. >> go nats. >> you got it. >> >> the natidue was everywhere. emily white brought it. >> i would love a thumbs up or smile. >> reporter: what she really wants is a date to the prom n. right field, fathers and sons were drinking it in, skipping school and hoping for a ball. >> how special is this for you?
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>> play-off baseball. >> really special. >> yeah. >> show them the cost they got in. >> this is washington. >> reporter: really, the only sickness in the park is baseball fever and everyone caught it. >> reporter: i talked to emily and she didn't want to put the phone number on her poster there because it was should i ask or some should bryce call me for a day to -- date to the prom and on the bottom, it's not a clown question, brobro and gave me his phone number in case i ran into bryce. >> she should send him a tweet. >> exactly. >> or a facebook message, right? paul cagemer tonight and with with ther and cell phones, we live in an insta gram world. go ahead and upload them and
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send them to nats, n-a-t-s, pix, and we'll get all of the pictures here on this historic date day. it went into the record books as a loss on our sib on our website, www.myfoxdc.comcom. >> and thank you. >> and that is some memories. still ahead, the u.s. antidoping agency lays out its case against disgraced cyclist lance armstrong. >> and later, the fire hazard forcing toyota to recall more than 7 million vehicles worldwide. worldwide. [ female announcer ] it's onoe of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, caid is the only way realizing a nursing home to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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. the agency in charge of
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athletic doping compiled a huge case against lang storm -- lance armstrong. it has more than 1,000 pages of lance armstrong and putting him at the center of the most sophisticated and professionalized and successful doping program in the history of cycling. the agency said 11 of armstrong's former teammates provided evidence against the seven-time tourde france champion. the nfl star who became a comic actor died. caris was suffering from dementia and kidney disease. he was a defensive lineman for the lions in the '60s. this year, he and thousands of former nfl players sued the league arguing they could have received more protection. after retiring from football, he appeared in "blazing saddles" and "webster." he was 77 years old. coming up, congress demands answers about a meningitis outbreak that killed at least 12 people across the country. >> and a consumer alert for car
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owners. yet government said you should be worried if you had your air bag replaced recently. >> and looks like the beautiful fall weather is going to last. gary's back with more details coming up. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times.
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and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message. . welcome back to fox 5 news at 5. metro showed off the replica of the latest rail cars and they're scheduled to go into service the next 18 months. john henrehan has more. >> reporter: the pressure has been on metro to replace the oldest cars because the ntsb said they crumble to easily. managers say the new cars will be safer and boarding will be quicker. at roughly $2 million each, metro's 7,000 series rail cars are designed to be far safer than the oldest cars in the
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system. >> this car's made out of stainless steel, not aluminum and much more ruggedized material to work with. >> reporter: inside, the news -- new cars will be equipped with multiple cameras so the operator can keep an eye on passengers. in the future, the pictures might be transmitted real time to metro police headquarters and there will be multiple electronics sign boards inside the cars, but customer focus groups were firm on one thing. >> they silent, so we -- they silent. we listened to customers who didn't want audio. >> reporter: with no arm rest, the societies feel roomier and the aisles are wider. there is space underneath every seat for a backpack or a is outcase. carpeting is history. it's been replaced with what is called non-slip resilient north. like older metro rail cars, they're at the side and managers think this is going to
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improve traffic flow and this is why. under the old configuration, there were a couple of seats and passengers tended to move together this way and with this car, more seats are available and passengers will disperse more quickly. >> reporter: all previous generations came in two-car pairs. the 7,000 series will come in four-car sets. and what is the advantage? >> this allowed us to have fewer cabs in the car and, therefore, there is more room. >> reporter: metro managers, mechanics and police will inspect the rail car for the next month to suggest any finishing details. manufacturing will begin in lincoln, nebraska. >> reporter: phase one is scheduled to open in 2013. metro will load the older cars to get them going n.2014, the new cars will come into the system and that is when metro will retire the oldest rail
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cars. >> and have to be patient awhile. thank you. a fox 5 consumer alert for anyone whose car has air bags. they warning people about counterfeit air bags. y that sold to repair shops as replacement parks and look almost like the real ones, but they consistently malfunctioned in testing -- malfunctioned in testing and sometimes shot out pieces of metal. >> and this is lid the really an assault on u.s. history and if can you sell it for profits, the criminals can do that and there is no reason why they would connect to the air bags. drivers are encouraged to check the website for a list of vehicles that are affected. toyota is recalling millions of
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cars to fix a fire hazard. at least 2 1/2 million of the cars were sole in the united states and the faulty switch is linked to several hundred reports of smoke and fires. customers will be contacted by the car dealer. and a good looking day today, gary and that is for sure. >> a little fog this morning. >> yeah. >> and lots of sunshine. >> and entoiling the day? >> -- enjoying the day? >> you think he knows what is behind fox 5? and that is on his face. game 5 is on at 4:00 and we'll talk about that. hold o. the game time tomorrow is going to be be 4:00. that's right, and they will
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stick around and i think tomorrow is going to be a little bit cooler out there and this is your game time for tomorrow. for game 4, it's at 4:00. tomorrow, the big headline is that tomorrow is going to be cooler than today and there is that breeze. it should come down and around 60 degrees and sunny. with the sun setting now and at 7:15 or so, it will cool off quickly and temperatures will fall into the 50s. dress accordingly. maybe layers and can you add the jacket later o.70 in town, just gorgeous; quantico, 59; western suburbs around winchester, 63; hagerstown, 63 and cooler to the west and there is cloud clouds coming
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across and 63 around 7:00. okay. a cool breeze out there. once the front works on across, the winds will kick up a bit. west-northwest, the winds of about 10 to 15 miles an hour. temperatures will be dropping down into the mid-50s. and clouds already beginning to come from west to east and this is ahead of the frontal system. the front is moving to western secs of maryland. what happens is once the sun sets, they kind of make a big push and in a big jump. with temperatures around 70 degrees or so, it's slowly moving on across and any rain around this front will be well up to the north of us we're too dry and that is where the rain is going to be. more instability showers than anything. and what we typically see is what the setting sun, all of
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that basically goes away and that is probably going to be the trend here. again, with the front moving through, it will be cooler for tomorrow and high pressure is definitely going to be moving in. tonight, here in up to, we get down to 47 degrees and. >> the -- notice the winds, west-northwest and that is go be to be breezy. once the clouds get through, we'll have clear skies in the suburbs and that is going to be cooler and i suspect a couple of upper 30s and a cool start throughout the day and temperatures in the 40s and end up in the lower 60s and by 5:00, i suspect the temperature around 60 degrees or so and nice on friday, 67 and cool or saturday, 64. this is your fox 5 accuweather seven-day forecast, haven't changed anything here or tempered with anything. monday, sunday looks warmer, but some clouds.
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next chance for rain. it's not even a good chance and that will be monday. >> loving the fall weather, gary. >> it's great and sticks around, too. >> thank you very much. >> thanks, gary. now let's go to nationals ballpark for a look of what is coming up on the news at six. >> reporter: construction at city hall, a former campaign, a d.c. mayor vincent gray learns his fate and the latest on whether the investigation stands with the mayor. a local university in the middle of the same debate after accusations an employee was fired for voicing her opinions. and we're live at the bal park with more of the fanfare, mights and low lights. they lost lost two games to one in the series against the cardinals. we'll see you in a bit.  pamela howze: it just seems like such an... infringement on our lives. how dare they step into my life that way.
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it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. [ female announcer ] he says... president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities?
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when president obama couldn't. first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message. . a health alert now.
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the nationwide meningitis outbreak gets worse. health officials in maryland new report another case of fungal meningitis, bringing the total there to 9 including one death. the cdc can is reporting illnesses and 12 deaths. the death toll continues to rise. jonathan sery has the latest. >> reporter: at least 12 people across the country are dead in connection with the rare fungal meningitis outbreak and that number is expected to continue to rise. florida is the latest state to report a fatality. according to state health departments and the centers for disease control and prevention, the outbreak spread to at least 10 states and infected at least 137 people. and the case is connected to three lots of steroids shots. the new england compounding center, the massachusetts space pharmacy that made the ungeeks and issued a voluntary recall of the drugs last week.
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health officials say 75 medical facilities in 23 states received the contaminated injections. >> we really don't know yet how the fung us got into -- fungus got into the medication. that particular arm of the investigation is being handled by the fda and we're waiting for those answers. >> now, congress wants answers. oversight committees in the senate and house sending requests to the fda and the cdc asking for a hearing by the end of the week. lawmakers hope to learn more about the outbreak and are concerned that specialty pharmacies, like the new england compounding center, have less regulation oversight than drug manufacturers. the cdc reports as many as 13,000 people received the back pain injections in question. it's believed far less will develop symptoms, nevertheless, all need to be vigilant and watch for symptoms in case. in atlanta, john than sery, fox
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news. and thanks for joining us at 5. >> the news edge at 6 starts right now. for the first time in 79 years, play-off baseball is back in the nation's capital. good evening, i'm brian bolter. welcome to the news edge at 6 and we're live outside of nationals park where a record crowd, 45,017 people were on hand to watch the washington nationals. unfortunately, lose to the saint louis cardinals. they got shut out, there were grumblings of about fans leaving early and the waters are troubled. >> reporter: they had their backs against the wall. look at the biggest games that have taken place in the stadium, the opener and steven strauss bug's view. a great crowd on hand and they got them whipping earn in the air. a lot of guys playing hooky and watch the historic game. top of the first, scoreless, jackson struggling with


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